Another Clue?
In “The Betrothal”, Miriam accompanied by Phoebe goes to the morgue to see whether a corpse could be Zoe, the woman she’s been charged to...

The Canopic Way
The Canopic Way runs five miles from the Gate of the Sun to the Gate of the Moon. My bearers rocked their way around statues and temples,...

Writing a Short Story
Writing a short story is so different from writing a novel where you have tens of thousands of words to tell your story. In a short story...

A Clue on The Slope of Mount Koressos
Miriam’s first trip to Ephesus, in “The Black Pearl”, a story in The Deadliest Returns , was to return a singular black pearl to the...

Using Figurative Language to Connect With Your Readers
My Miriam bat Isaac stories are set in Roman-occupied Alexandria during the first century CE. My job as a writer is to make my readers...

Danger on Lake Mareotis
In “The Bodyguard”, a story in The Deadliest Returns , Professor Jason asks Miriam to help him solve the drowning death of his old...

Are You Ready For a Unique Tale of Terror?
“The Betrothal”, set in first century CE Roman-occupied Alexandria, is about a young woman who disappears just before her betrothal to...

More About Stentors
The bodies of these fresh water, one-celled animals are horn-shaped when attached to other organisms. Accordingly, they have been...

The Voice of Stentor
Our word “stentorian” is from Greek mythology. Stentor, mentioned in Homer's The Iliad , was a herald in the Trojan War. Homer wrote of...