The Importance of a Fuller's Work
After the washing is done and the material soaks well, the fabric is rinsed. This step is done with the help of clean water in a complex...

Cleaning Your Garments The Roman Way
A fuller both cleaned and smoothed the fabric after receiving it from a weaving workshop. He also cleaned woolen garments and enhanced...

The Nine Muses
In “Revenge”, a story in The Deadliest Deceptions, Giovi consults with Miriam to find out what caused his son’s death. The magistrates...

Let's Face It
Last week, I reported that in “The Mistress”, Miriam and Phoebe put on makeup to disguise themselves as they investigated the probability...

Phoebe's Cosmetic Box
Phoebe, like other wealthy women 2000 years ago, prized her make up collection and kept it in a cosmetic box. Accordingly, Miriam and...

Miriam Lets Out A Boorish Shriek
A trireme is a Roman military ship with three banks of oars and approximately 50 rowers in each of the three banks. The word comes from...

The Study Of Alchemy Today
Miriam bat Isaac is my fictional detective pursuing the study of alchemy. Modeled after the most celebrated alchemist of her time, Maria...

The Psychological Thriller
Over the decades, the definition of mystery fiction has broadened to include any story about a crime, whether it be a “cozy”, “noir”, or...

The Art Of Tattooing
The way society perceives tattoos has varied immensely throughout history. Today tattooing is so popular in North America that about one...

How Readers Choose A Book
The first thing a reader has to know is what the book is about. Is it fiction or nonfiction? Classic, literary, or genre fiction (e.g.,...