Empress Messalina Was Known For Her Elaborate Hairstyles
In “The Recollection”, one of nine stories in The Deadliest Deceptions, a man, after being stabbed, awakens on a pile of rubble in a...

Noir, A Subgenre Of Crime Fiction
Noir fiction is more about a feeling than a set of defining traits. Unlike the cozy mysteries set in a secluded English mansion, noir...

The Golden Age Of Mysteries
The cozy murder mysteries of the 1920s and 30s, the Golden Age of detective fiction, were written either by a British author, such as...

Make Chariot Racing Your Favorite Pastine
Daring chariot drivers and their four-horse team race seven laps around a 2,000 foot-long sand track, hitting speeds of close to 40 miles...

Myrrh, an Ancient Medicine and Perfume
Myrrh has been known throughout history as a medicine and perfume. In medicine it has been used as an antiseptic in mouthwashes, gargles,...

Nero And Poppaea
Poppaea was the twice-divorced beauty Nero made his second wife. According to scholars, he loved her dearly and mourned her deeply. In 67...

The Krater
The krater pictured here is a volute krater because of its egg-shaped body and handles that rise from the shoulder of the vase and curl...

Kohl, An Enduring Cosmetic
Kohl is an ancient cosmetic, used primarily as an eyeliner. Women like Miriam’s deputy Phoebe used kohl as part of their makeup routine,...

>>>> Holiday Contest <<<<
The sixth book in the Miriam bat Isaac Mystery Series will be released soon in paperback and e-book. THE DEADLIEST DECEPTIONS is a...

Forensic Evidence From Roman Times
In a previous blog, I wrote about how a Roman defense attorney used evidence from blood spatters to clear his client of a murder charge....