The River Styx
The first story in The Deadliest Deceptions, a collection of Miriam bat Isaac stories to be published this fall, is “Believing is...

The Precious Sandalwood Tree
In The Deadliest Lie, we see that although Miriam is betrothed to Noah, she falls in love with Judah, a jeweler with a shop in...

Who Were The Gorgon Sisters?
Initially, the Gorgons were described as three powerful winged demons, with swine-like tusks, talons for feet, an iconic head of hair...

The Romans Made Fire With A Fire Steel
Fire steels like this were used throughout the Roman and Medieval Periods to set fires when struck against a piece of hard rock such as...

Relax With Phoebe In Miriam's Roof Garden
Gardens in the ancient world had special meaning, function, and design. Sometimes it was a place to rest and relax, other times a place...

Oops, I Got Something In My Eye
In “Believing is Seeing,” a short story that’s a locked-room murder mystery, Miriam is so baffled that she wonders whether the victim’s...

Mud-Brick Construction
Miriam lives in a limestone townhouse, but in The Deadliest Lie, along her walk through the Jewish quarter and then through the other...

The Gymnasium: Its School For Combative Sports
For the image posted here, the depression center left was filled with water and used for swimming practice and mock naval battles. To the...

Ancient Greek Theater
Aristotle contrasted the genres of comedy and tragedy. He said comedy represents men as worse than they are in real life, whereas tragedy...

The Cultural Influence Of The Etruscans
In “The Mistress,” a story in The Deadliest Deceptions, a collection of Miriam bat Isaac short stories to be published later this year,...