Fraternal twins like Miriam and Binyamin
Usually a woman releases one egg in her monthly cycle, but if she releases two and they are both fertilized, fraternal twinning occurs....

How Authors Use Flashbacks
Occasionally I submit a blog to BookDaily.com on writing. Here’s one they published last December on incorporating flashbacks into your...

Can You Smell the Fresh Barley Rolls?
Phoebe and I had gone hardly a block before succumbing to the aromas of fresh barley rolls and grilled meats wafting out of Otho’s...

Become a Deputy Detective for 99 cents
In THE DEADLIEST HATE, Miriam goes to Caesarea to trace an alchemical document that has surfaced there. The practice of alchemy was a...

Celebrate Women’s History Month! THE DEADLIEST HATE is on sale for 99 cents in honor of Maria Hebrea. Miriam bat Isaac is fictive, but...

Alexandria was the center for manufacturing glass during the Roman Era, especially the production of those mosaic beads now known as...

If you went on a smell tour of the Roman Empire, you’d have to visit a garum factory. Garum is a fermented fish sauce made to enhance the...

Do you have a chimera?
The Chimera, according to Greek mythology, is a female fire-breathing monster, a lion in her forepart, a goat in the middle, and a dragon...

I remember riding in the family car to my college graduation. To pass the time, my brother and I played “Twenty Questions.” He stumped me...

In THE DEADLIEST FEVER, scheduled for release next fall, a visiting sage from the Holy Land comes to Alexandria with his daughter and her...