Why a trident? Scholars disagree on the meaning of Poseidon’s trident: Because the sea is one of the three parts of the world (sea, land, and air)? Because there are three kinds of waters (the seas, streams, and rivers)? Or because water has three properties (liquidity, fecundity, and drinkability)?
In THE DEADLIEST LIE, Miriam recalls when she, Binyamin, and her betrothed Noah visited the Pharos Lighthouse. The cones of sunlight from the lighthouse’s western windows spilled an amber glow onto the damp stone floor as they circled through the odors of mice and brine. Following their jug-eared, pimple-faced guide up the broad interior ramp that spirals around the core of the lighthouse, they were rewarded with a spectacular view of their city.
Miriam shares her memory: The first tier is square; the second, octagonal—I remember both their observation decks were jammed with tourists—and the third, cylindrical. But my attention fixed above the third tier, to the lantern and the polished mirrors that spread its light and then to its cupola capped by a weathervane of Poseidon poised with his trident.
The trident is still a powerful symbol. Those who have completed the training to become a U.S. Navy SEAL [Sea, Air, and Land Teams] are awarded one of the most recognizable military badges, the SEAL Trident.
For a close look at Poseidon and his trident, take the two-minute climb with Miriam up the Pharos Lighthouse. To enjoy the view, just click here, and scroll down to the bottom of the page.