It was on this day, August 7, in 1789 that Congress approved an act to establish and support lighthouses, beacons, buoys and public piers. Two hundred years later, Congress designated this day as National Lighthouse Day to honor the beacons of light that have provided security and safety for ships and boats at sea.
But lighthouses have been guiding ships for thousands of years, the most famous being the Pharos Lighthouse of Alexandria, opened in 268 BCE. In fact, in THE DEADLIEST LIE, its perpetual fire directed Miriam through the midnight underbelly of her city as she trailed the sedan chair of a suspect:
The fire burned like a brilliant star in the northwestern sky. On the eastern tip of Pharos Island, standing sentinel over the Great Harbor, the lighthouse is our most imposing landmark…. Having withstood the ravages of storms and earthquakes for more than three hundred years, it comforted me as I trailed behind the bearers, ducking under porticoes and behind colonnades, scuttling from monument to monument, and otherwise wedging myself behind statuary and topiary.
You can celebrate Lighthouse Day yourself right from your chair. You can climb the Pharos Lighthouse by clicking here.
And you can purchase an e-book copy of THE DEADLIEST LIE at the celebratory sale price of just $1.99 by clicking here or reaching any other online book vendor. Hurry, the price is good only until August 15.
Take a peek at the book trailer by clicking here.