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Have a Seat (But Don't Stay Too Long)

In Rome, the curule chair was made with curved legs forming a wide X. It had no back and low arms. Designed for government officials, it was meant to be uncomfortable so the bureaucrats would carry out their business swiftly. It also became the standard design for any chair.

In The Deadliest Fever, Miriam sits on such a chair at the bedside of a dying man whom she hopes to question:

“Let me sit with you,” I said. Despite my weariness and his menacing manner, I pulled a chair over to the bedside of this once-attractive man whose face was now a mask of fury locked into a grimace. When he had a lucid moment, I wanted some time to speak with him alone.

Unfortunately, Miriam hardly realized how long it could take to see a flare of intelligence in his eyes.

The lesson here is clear: Do not sit in a curule chair when you read a Miriam bat Isaac story! Take your time to escape with her to first century CE Roman-occupied Alexandria. The books have been praised for their riveting suspense and historical accuracy. Just click here.



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