Come visit Miriam in first century CE Alexandria.

Come to Miriam’s Alexandria, a first century city second only to Rome.

Venture with Miriam into the claustrophobic underbelly of Alexandria at night.

Come visit Miriam in first century CE Alexandria.

Mystery Series

June Trop
Welcomes you to
June’s Contemporary Story of Psychological Horror
“The Hunch” is a story of psychological horror set in our time just outside New York City.​ It is about a wife's hunch that her husband has been unfaithful to her. I’m sure you’ll understand that more than a hunch, she needs to find out for sure.

Get a Head Start on the Story Here:
I had a hunch the bastard was cheating on me. But our hours were so different, how could I know for sure? What with him a mail sorter on the night shift and me a teacher at the local middle school. And I couldn’t tell by the money. He never forked over his paycheck, just what he had left at the end of the pay period. Of course, he had expenses too: gassing up the car, haircuts, lunches—what he called his “walking around money.” And then “his obligation,” the child support for the brat I didn’t know about when we got married. And wouldn’t you know it? This month, he said, the kid wanted a set of drums.
But I had enough of a hunch from the gifts he brought home at Christmas, from his co-workers, he said. I’m talking cashmere sweaters just the right size and Clive Christian perfume, whatever that stink was. Certainly nothing I’d’ve bought. That was the year he gave me a dented cutting board, not even wrapped.
Since I couldn’t be sure, why stir up his temper? He had one, you know. Like his idol, Muhammad Ali, he had fast fists, but their sting was worse than a bee’s. I know, but I guess I got what I wanted, the handsomest guy I ever saw, that manly, square-jawed kind of handsome; that stop-traffic-dead-on-the-street kind with dimples, curly black hair, and smooth, easy-going manners. Let’s face it: I fell for him. We eloped after six weeks of athletic sex.
But all that holding-my-tongue business changed when I encountered blabber-mouth Helen in the Market Delight dairy aisle.
See whether you can figure out how to she got a fix on the truth. And what she did about it.
To find out more, click here.